I regularly engage on (ad-hoc) lecturing and teaching activities with a focus on green innovation, circular economy and low carbon transformations – with over 675 learners so far.
My teaching engagement typically include course design, integration of syllabus, course delivery and evaluation / feedback.
I also supervise PhD and Master students and sit con post-graduate committees and evaluations (click here for a historical list of students under my supervision)

MIT Professional Education
Circular Economy: Transition for Future Sustainability (learning facilitator)
HEC Paris
Low Carbon Business Model Innovation (Strategizing Sustainable Business Transformations; Lecturer)
HEC Paris
Eco-innovation for Climate Transformations (Climate and Business Certificate; Lecturer)
EIT Climate KIC
Sustainability in Business: (International Programme Green Skills for Boosting Transitions in Water Management)
Innovation for Sustainable Development Network
What is innovation for sustainable development? (Self-paced, online course; course design, main facilitator)
Inter-American Development Bank
How to Drive the Transition to the Circular Economy through Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies (course design and course director)