Diaz Lopez


Throughout my career, I have strived to create an impact on organisations and society at large.

At the international level, I have assisted United Nations’ Global Eco-innovation Project, the Inter-American Development Bank Green Innovation and Circular Economy knowledge programme and the RELAI Network of Innovation Agencies in their efforts to incorporate circular economy and climate action among decision makers in Latin America.

Before joining the Climate and Earth Centre of HEC Paris, I was responsible for setting up the research agenda of Climate KIC’s – the largest European climate initiative. A key milestone was the acquisition of over 120 million Euros in grants implementing the EU missions of climate adaptation and carbon neutral cities under Horizon Europe. My work at CKIC also included leading its science-policy lab, the Transitions Hub and the overall co-ordination of Pathways2Resilience (30 million Euros).

For the European Commission, I have participated in studies for the implementation of the Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan – in particular, I co-lead the study that provided evidence for the proposal for the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation  and contributed to the 2010 European Competitiveness report in Key Enabling Technologies. My work has also been traduced in the creation of partnerships and networks. For instance, I was influential for the creation of  the inno4sd – innovation for sustainable development network.
As an academic , I am proud to be co-leading a group of scholars currently engaged in the establishment of the eco-innovation society. The steering group of this initiative includes seminar eco-innovation scholars, such as professors Massimiliano Mazzanti, Roberto Zoboli, Rene Kemp, Pablo del Rio and Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla – among others.
I am a regular speaker at conferences and events, which has resulted in a growing media presence and in receiving prestigious awards (see full list of engagements here). This is a testament to my dedication and expertise in the field of eco-innovation and sustainability.

Media channels presence

Books, chapters and manuals / guidelines:

EIT Climate-KIC enables policymakers in LATAM to drive circular economy transition (with Marina Gil V.). Aug. 10th, 2023.

The practice of climate adaptation in a challenging environment (with Anne-Sophie Garrigou & Aida Khalilova). July 13th, 2023.

Nature-based solutions for climate adaptation (with Anne-Sophie Garrigou and Aida Khalilova). June 16th, 2023.

Why should we care about climate adaptation in Europe? (with Anne-Sophie Garrigou & Aida Khalilova). May 22nd, 2023.

Keynotes, panels and interviews


Innovación transformadora para la acción climática: el enfoque de las misiones Europeas. Conversatorio Diáspora2030mx. February 23rd. 2023. Online.


Festival Cantabro de Economia Circular, Onda Cero Radio (Javier Barbero)

Keynote panel

Hubs for Circularity in European Regions and Cities at INDTECH2022, Grenoble. June 28th, 2022.


‘Simposio Innovation para el Desarrollo Sostenible’ – Guadalajara (2018)

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